The Writer’s Buzz; Synithia Williams; Romance

Let me set the stage:

A beautiful, moon-lit sky canvases the backdrop to a couple, holding hands as they take in the gravitational pull of the full moon. Stars beckon the couple to wish upon one as they point to a rogue star, shooting across the sky. Their wish is mutual, as they stare into each other’s star-gaze eyes….anticipating soft kisses…

You get the point. Ever since the “Romantic Era” that spread across Europe in the mid-18th century, the genre of romance has been the most popular of all genres. Romance accounts for more than 50% of all published books sales. In this month’s Writer’s Buzz, we feature a writer who contributes her writings to the popular genre.

Synithia Williams has loved romance novels since reading her first one at the age of 13. It was only natural that she would begin penning her own romances soon after. It wasn’t until 2010 that she began to actively pursue her dream of becoming a published author. She completed her first novel, You Can’t Plan Love, in the fall of 2010 and is currently finalizing revisions. When she isn’t writing, this Green Queen, as dubbed by the State Newspaper, works to improve air and water quality, while balancing the needs of her husband and two sons.

As a writer, Synithia’s journey toward authorship hasn’t been smooth…typical of most writers. “I’ve written on and off for years. Stories would pop in my head after I’d wake up from a nap or while driving down the street, and I would write at least the first chapter to get it on paper. Then, I’d do nothing with it for a while. It wasn’t until I saw a colleague pack up and move to pursue her goals that I realized it would take that sort of dedication to realize my writing dream. Since then, I’ve dedicated myself to writing routinely and learning as much as I can about what it takes to be a good writer. I really want this to happen, so I’m working hard to improve my craft.” Synithia goes on to say, “writing is a habit of mine that I can’t just quit. Even if I never become published, I’ll still write. I can’t contain my imagination.” Read the full story at

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